What Impacts Blood Alcohol Content?

October 6, 2017

As many people know, your blood alcohol content determines whether you’ve had over the legal limit of alcohol, which is .08 in Texas, and is generally tested if you are behind the wheel and the police officer is under suspicion that you have passed that limit. While testing your blood alcohol is meant to be an accurate test to determine whether you’ve broken any laws, the truth of the matter is, these results can be skewed as a result of many things.

The following can adversely affect your blood alcohol limit:

  • Diabetes – People with diabetes are susceptible to false results from BAC testers, because a diabetic with ketoacidosis may register incorrectly with a test searching for ethyl alcohol in your breath.
  • Medication – Some medications, though legal, may still contain alcohol and affect your test--with up to as much as 10%.
  • Environmental substances, such as paint thinners – Oil-based paint thinners, as well as other environmental elements, can certainly skew test results.
  • Weight and gender – If you are underweight, the alcohol will have less water to dilute with. Also, women have less water content than men, as well as a lower quantity of enzyme.

As you can see, these tests are far from accurate in a number of instances. If you believe your BAC test was altered because of any of the above, you may have enough grounds to fight against any charges or penalties you may be facing, with the help of our Houston DWI lawyers.

Contact Our Houston DWI Lawyers Today

Because DWI defense is all we do, our team of Houston DWI lawyers at Tyler Flood & Associates has unparalleled experience and an unbeatable level of attentiveness we can dedicate to you and your case. Highly-ranked and top-rated by our clients, colleagues, and competitors, we know you need the ultimate defense on your side when you are facing any DWI related charges, which is why our legal team works like a well-oiled machine, consistently delivering our clients the results they can only dream of.

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