Five Common Types of Domestic Violence in Houston, Texas

July 20, 2020

Domestic violence typically brings to mind an image where the abuser has physically harmed the victim. But under Texas laws, domestic violence can occur in various non-physical forms as well. Legal consequences for all types of domestic violence can be severe, especially if you do not have a seasoned Houston domestic violence attorney to mount a strong legal defense on your behalf. 


Physical Abuse

This is the most widely recognized form of domestic violence. Physical abuse typically involves the use of force that causes injury to the victim: slapping, kicking, punching, choking, shooting, or stabbing. Even if it results in minor injuries, it will be treated as domestic violence. 


For instance, slaps to the face may not require the victim to receive medical treatment, but if even minimal injury is caused, the offense will constitute domestic violence. Therefore, you will still need a robust defense from an experienced Houston domestic assault attorney even if you believe you caused only negligible harm to the victim. 


Emotional Abuse


When persistent criticism, insults, and humiliation from the abuser destroys the victim’s sense of self-worth, it would be considered emotional abuse. This type of abuse may appear common in many unhealthy relationships. For this reason, many people fail to understand that it could be a violation of the law and constitute domestic violence. 


Quite often, emotional abuse occurs along with other types of abuse, which makes it easier for the victim to pursue the charge of domestic violence. If you have been arrested on these charges, make sure you have a dedicated Houston criminal defense attorney to provide you the right legal counsel and support. 


Sexual Abuse


This is a more common type of domestic violence than what many people would imagine. Sexual abuse not only covers rape and sexual assault, but also sexual harassment (such as unwanted physical touching). People charged with sexual abuse often do not realize how broadly this action can be interpreted. 


For instance, forcing the victim into avoiding the use of contraception or having an abortion may actually be viewed as reproductive coercion under the law, resulting in a charge of sexual abuse.  


Psychological Abuse


Any threatening, intimidating, or fear-causing behavior could be psychological abuse under the law if the behavior is significant and persistent. However, this type of abuse, just like emotional abuse, may not be sufficient by itself to file a domestic violence action in Texas (unless the act is particularly severe). 


Emotional blackmail, threatening the victim with physical violence, preventing the victim from going out of the home, and preventing the victim from speaking to anyone without “permission” are some of the common examples of psychological abuse. 


Financial Abuse


Financial abuse might be the least obvious among all forms of domestic violence. But in reality, it can occur in many indirect ways. This includes preventing your spouse from obtaining a job or pursuing an educational course or degree program outside the house. 


Financial abuse occurs more commonly where family finances are managed under joint bank accounts. The victim in these cases is usually entirely dependent on money on their partner, while the abuser may withhold money even for essential items such as food and clothes. 


Need Help With Your Domestic Abuse Case? Call Flood & Associates

The experienced legal team of veteran criminal defense attorneys and trial lawyers at Flood & Associates is here to help. We treat clients like family, and we will work hard to protect your rights. Call our team 24/7, 365 at 713-224-5529 for a free case review or use this online contact form to request a free consultation with one of our attorneys.


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